(I cant find the picture of them I want but this one was when they were about 3) I always expected them to grow up together. You know the friend you make in kindergarten through out high school. London died of leukemia (AML) 2 years ago. We miss her. I had the privigledge of photographing her before the disease ravaged her body and during her illness. Youll notice in the color portrait with the black background her tooth was about to come out that day. I remember her mother telling me the irony of her losing here tooth was even as the disease was destroying her body it was still trying to move forward with new life. As you can tell London had a lot of spunk even as she knew she was dying. In life and even in her dying she touched many lives and with this event tommorow she continues be an inspiration.

Chea, what a beautiful tribute to London! How lucky you were to have her touch your lives.
thanks chea. my heart aches for her everyday. its nice to know someone else still thinks of her every once in a while. not that it matters to anyone but those of us who know what it means, it was AML acute myeloid leukemia (not ALS).
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