Day 2 Beach photo shoot {still no sun }


I love the photo with the seaguls .  I need a quote about childhood and wings.   Help.


ld said...

When I was a child,
wandering by the sea.
Seagulls flew up above
Flying over me.

When I was a child,
with seagulls overhead,
I marvelled at the myst'ry
As I fed them bread

For the thing of beauty
Is a paradox of trust
Cause what the seagulls dropped
Splattered upon us.

Chea said...

nice. and poingent as well . did you write that lovely poem

Anonymous said...

children have wings just like seagulls-jackie

Mariley Johnson said...

A-mazing, as always. Lucky girls to have so many fabulous pictures of them.

Anonymous said...

Title: Where are crickets when you need them?

Question: Who are these girls -- professional models?

Comment: So, does this make Wayne the original Jonathon Livingston Seagull?

Guess who?

Mindy Evans said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? these are amazing, as always!!! You are crazy to post these.... you are going to have the boys knocking down your door! lol!
Beautiful! ...The pictures are stunning, too! :)
