More good news


I got published. Last week I submitted this picture to the Church News a supplement to the Deseret News in Salt Lake City. It is in the Words of Inspiration section. Sorry Chad I think this might be your 15 min. of fame. Too bad your in Germany on your mission. just kidding


Rose said...

I always knew you would win a contest Congratulations

Anonymous said...

This is the proud uncle of Chea Lamb photography. The timing was just right as Chad got an email Sunday night from me telling him about his 15 minutes of fame. We're gonna send him a real copy if we can get one or 30. The shame is, all of about 10 people total will know about it in Germany because he is in a rather isolated, unpopulated area at this time. Oh well, 15 minutes goes by fast. I guess this means I'm obligated to write music for your website.