The Giving Tree workshop

When I first moved out to QC in 2000... There was this amazing cottonwood tree and a huge sign in front of it annoucing this was the home of the Maricopa County champion Steer "Heza A Fastman" It was quite amusing. I would often wonder why they picked that name. With in few years the homesteads were gone (sold for the villages and hastings farms) and so was "Heza A Fast man" but the cottonwood remained. In 2008 I had a photo shoot planned for the groves , like the rest of the photographers in the east queen creek area. Much to my dismay irragation put a kink in my plans. So plan B ....
Oh no whats plan B? Im driving home and I think I can make that cottonwood work. So I have my Brother in law bring the "black couch " there. Wala the birth of another location. Just like a star is born. So I end up shooting some of my favorite images of that year there. Thanks Amy for trusting me.

Just when you think the tree has given all it can give , I decide to put my black piano there for some mini shoots.

Again so fun , then

prom ends up being around the same time(i think it might have been the next year) and more amazing images. It just keeps giving. Ok lets do some seniors.

Some one trys to take the piano. its ok they bring it back. Even better.

Fast forward to 2009: It gets a little busier, the tree is still giving. Not only do I get more images but so does alot of other photographers. The tree doesnt mind.

So last spring I was stopped by Mrs. Hastings worker. He doesnt mind but seems a little put out at the volume of people photographing there. Fast forward to this summer ... a chain goes up and this little sign.

A single tear. The tree will be gone soon and so will this amazing location.

So I go out driving to find another suitable location. Guess what?? I found some and that is how this Workshop was born. Three really cool locations in the QC area. The main focus will be how to set up your clients so they look their best and the best lighting hits them.

8-10am: locations and diagrams, camera settins as well as coaching with hands on shooting,
10-12 pm: individual critiques of images on what went righ and wrong as well and how to make it even better with some photoshop actions.


Kari said...

Hi Chea! I am very interested in this Workshop. Do I send you an email if I am able to do it? Thanks!

Kim Skinner said...

so sad about your tree, every time I drive by it I think of you :)

can I just hire you for some private mentoring?

Chea said...

Kari, just email me at

Kim, your stuff is amazing you need to help me .

Melissa said...

are you printing up a guide I could purchase? as much as I would love to come, Kansas is a bit far for a weekender to AZ...

I love your work. That tree was awesome! I am confident that you'll find another suitable location. :) Keep up the great work!