Watch out American Pickers.

For as long as I can remember I have collected stuff. I am a genuine hoarder. I love anything old with character. Pantina mmm. ( google pantina) Being a photographer gives me a good reason to collect more junk.

Last weekend my sisters and I went to Prescott in search of Treasure( junk). I definitely scored.

I am toying with the idea of a mentor trip up that way. Shopping in the morning for props and shooting in the fabulous downtown of cool Prescott , untouch by the fires. Finish with an amazing dinner somewhere on Whisky row. It will be limited to 3 people.

Let me know if you are interested.
The tenative date is June 30.


Ruth said...

That sounds wonderful!!
I would love an e-mail with more details:

You're always so inspiring!

goofy feet said...

maybe you've already done this? but, im interested if it happens. maybe wendy could come too. she and colby are friends of ours.